Are you a Pinner??

It's no secret that I am obsessed in love with Pinterest. I can decorate every room of my house, drool over beautiful food, have the perfect closet, and vacation in exotic places all while sitting at my computer! Sounds like a fun thing, huh?

If you aren't "pinning" then you should be -it's what all the cool kids do! I'm laughing at that...although peer pressure is not a good thing. In this case though it's all in good nature!

I should warn you though that Pinterest is a complete time-stealer if you let it! I have to set time limits for myself or I will get completely sucked in and not feed my family.

In all seriousness though...I do feed my family...

 For those that may not know what Pinterest is let me tell you a few things about this website! 

Pinterest is a visual website that allows you to "pin" (bookmark) photos and videos rather than just the web address. You create "boards" tailored to a certain interest like crafts. So say you are on a website and you see this photo of an amazing dress with the pattern to sew it and you just know you have to one day make it -then you could pin that to your craft board and be able to remember it for when "one day" comes! 

It's just the neatest website ever. Really. I'm an OCD freak when it comes to keeping ideas and inspirational stuff contained. Since I am a very visual person Pinterest makes it so easy for me to keep up with everything. I can open up my craft board and see all of my pins so I can decide which crafty thing I want to start today!

Up until this point I've been pretty generic when it comes to creating my boards -like just labeling them crafts, recipes, for kids, fitness...and so on. But in true OCD fashion that just isn't cutting it for me anymore. I need my boards broken down further to make it even easier to keep track of stuff. Sounds like I have a lot of time, huh? Really I don' it will probably take me 10 years to get my boards how I want them! 

This is part of my "Yummy Food" board. See here I have desserts mixed with salads and main courses...not a good idea for the OCD at heart. 

Starting next week on Friday I'm going to highlight my Friday Favorite Pinterest Picks that I've found through out the week that I hope you'll enjoy as well! 

So the question of the day is: Are you a pinner? If so, please leave your Pinterest link in the comments or over on the Facebook fan page so I can follow you too! 

Follow Me on Pinterest


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