Embarking on a New Journey

I've decided to embark on a new journey and share it with all of you. Why? Because I need accountability -I'll feel like a failure if I don't update about it and have progress to show!

So what is it?

Tomorrow I am officially entering weight-loss and get-in-shape mode. I've always struggled with my weight/body image -not because of how I think other people might see, but how I see me. I'm not happy with myself. 

Yes, I've had two kids so my body has changed...but packing on pounds by having chips and cokes is not okay. I do not make wise food choices and exercising is low on my priority list.

I want to lead a healthy life to show my kids a good example. I want to have a healthy lifestyle to make my long-term health better. I want to feel good in my own skin.

To be completely transparent with you, for lunch I had chicken nuggets, french fries, and a coke from McDonalds...this is when it dawned on me I have to make a change.

I'm not so worried about actually losing pounds as I am about getting in shape, toning up, and eating better. I know weight loss will come with that but I also know that muscle weighs more than fat -so my expectations are realistic.

So every Friday I'm going to update with pounds lost/gained(EEK!), current measurements, and what I've been doing all week to help my goal. I plan to offer some help for you along the way as God gives it to me! I'm going to keep this completely transparent and real. I know I'll falter along the way because I am merely human so please, if you have a moment, say a prayer for me, give a little encouragement, or offer any advice if you'd like!

Please join me tomorrow where I will be posting my current measurements along with "before" pictures....AHHHH....


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