Fitness Friday

I said yesterday that I had finally hit my breaking point on my weight situation and was ready for a change.

So today I officially entered weight-loss-and-get-in-shape mode....

Here's my plan:

Walk/Jog 2 miles a day (until I can add more)
30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels
1 hour at the gym 6 days a week -weight lifting, alternating upper/lower body every day

I'm going to also try adding in Zumba but I don't want to overload myself so we'll see what happens!

As far as what my diet will consist of...there really isn't one...I'm going to count calories (1200 a day) and just try to stay away from all junk food!

This isn't really a sound plan but it's what I'm going to try!

As of today, here are my measurements:

Arms: (L) and (R) 11 1/2 in.
Chest: 38 in.
Waist: 35 1/2 in.
Hips: 44 1/2 in.
Thighs: (L) 25 in, (R) 26 in.

Weight: 177 lbs.

Every Friday I'm going to update with current measurements and pray that the numbers change!!

I've decided not to include my before picture because, honestly, it's really embarrassing to me.

See you next Friday with my next check-in!


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