Technology Dependent?

Okay, I have a serious confession.

I am totally, 100%, dependent on technology -from my cell phone, to the computer/Internet, to a GPS.

I really don't know how I functioned in life without those niceties. 

With that being said, I know I have a problem.

I have let technology become a major focus in my life -always wanting the newest, fastest little gadget and spending more and more time engrossed in them. This is not good.

Seriously, on a typical day you will find my cell phone either in my hand or right next to me -either sending/receiving about 100 texts/calls a day. While that frenzy is going on you can find me sitting at my desk in front of my computer or in the living room, sitting on the couch with laptop in hand. Now, let me say this, I do spend time with my family, managing my home, and making sure no one eats cold food for supper (most of the time). But I do believe I spend way too much time involved with technology.

This problem didn't come to my attention until yesterday morning. You see, the day before I was stung by a wasp (and this is where I go all random on you) and I had a really bad reaction to it and had to end up taking a lot of Benadryl. Benadryl makes me loopy. Well I got out of the bed yesterday morning, grabbed my glasses, and (gulp) my cell phone and headed to Avery's room to get her dressed for school. In all that Benadryl-induced loopyness, I lost my cell phone...and haven't had it since then...we're going on two days here!! 

Because most of my the time I text with my friends rather than actually call them I've felt disconnected with the world -and well, I don't know their numbers by heart so I can't call them anyways. This has really got me thinking about the way I care for my friends and family. I've become so involved with the easy way to connect with them I've lost precious time actually being/speaking with them. Really, this makes me sad. 

So I've decided that this must change. In all honesty, I'm not going to completely give up technology because then I couldn't engage with the friends that I have met online through blogging! So y'all should feel special too! HaHa! But really, I want to trade texts for actual phone calls, phone calls for actual visits, snail mail (hehe) instead of email. I want to spend more time outside with my kids instead of watching movies or silly cartoons. I want to take walks in the neighborhood with my husband instead of sitting at my computer. I want to have coffee with a friend instead of commenting on their Facebook status. 

You get the picture...

I do have balance when it comes to this but I don't want just balance -I want more time engaging in real-life than losing quality time to a beep coming from my cell phone. 

Just give me a couple of more days without that pesky cell phone and I'll just bet you that I can live without it...possibly

Have you become technology dependent? How do you adjust the balance to spend more time without technology?


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1 comment:

  1. Yes, technology has taken a big place in most women's lives. I used to call my friends on the phone and they called me. Sometimes as a treat we would visit at each other's house. Now everyone is busy. I only text my husband and some of my children but we have been know to chat on gmail in the same room of the house!!!! We even have more techy appliances than our mothers (or grandmothers) had to make it easier on us. It is nice weather now, so get outside and take a walk!!


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